We Believe
The Scriptures
We believe in the verbal, plenary inspiration of God’s Word and its authority in all matters of faith and practice.
We believe there is one living and true God who exists in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe that each person of the Godhead (the Trinity) has distinct personal attributes but without division of nature, essence or being.
We believe man was created by the direct act of God and in His image. We believe that because of the Fall all men have inherited a depraved nature and are lost sinners in need of salvation.
We believe that God has provided the only way of salvation through offering His sinless, virgin-born Son, Jesus Christ, on the cross of Calvary where He shed His blood as an atonement for our sins. We believe that those who will repent of their sin and place their faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus will be saved. We believe that salvation is wholly by grace through faith plus nothing.
We believe that once saved, a person cannot be lost and is eternally secure in Christ forever. We believe that the Christian is created in Christ Jesus for the purpose of good works and to be conformed to the image of God’s Son.
We believe in ecclesiastical separation from apostasy in the professing church. We believe in personal separation from all worldliness contrary to godliness. We believe that all believers should live in such a manner as not to bring reproach upon their Lord and upon His church.
We believe that the church is solely made up of born-again individuals. We believe the local church is the God-ordained institution called to carry forth His commission to evangelize the lost locally and globally. We believe in the autonomy of the local church, that it is free of any external authority or control. We believe the two biblical offices within the church are the pastor and deacon. We believe the two biblical ordinances of the church are believer’s baptism by immersion and the observance of the Lord’s Table. We believe in biblical, spiritual discipline within the local church to maintain its holiness and distinctiveness. We believe that God expects every believer to be baptized and in fellowship with a true local church.

Last Things
We believe in the imminent, personal, pre-tribulational, pre-millenial appearance of Christ to rapture the church, His bride. We believe that His righteous judgments will be poured out upon an unbelieving world during the Tribulation. We believe that Christ will return to establish His earthly Millennial reign. We believe that at the conclusion of the Millennium the Great White Throne Judgment will occur, at which time the souls and bodies of the wicked shall be reunited and cast into the Lake of Fire.