Our Message

At Reedy Creek Baptist Church, we love to share the Gospel with those who God places in our pathway. As you explore our website, we would like to take a moment and share this message of hope with you as well. The word Gospel means “good news.” In a world filled with disappointment and despair, God’s Word offers help and hope. In fact, it is more than just help for your earthly life, the Bible shares the key to eternal life as it explains how you can have a relationship with your Creator God provided through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Would you take a few minutes to watch a video presentation of this life changing message? Dr. Tom Farrell is the father of our pastor, Ben Farrell, and he travels the world sharing the Good News. Our prayer is that the message of the Gospel would bring help and hope to your heart and life. We are confident it will as you place your faith in Jesus Christ. If you have questions about what you hear, please contact us that we might point you to further biblical answers on how to begin a relationship with God and grow in your new found faith.

The Good News of the Bible is that Jesus Christ is God who came to earth to live a life we could not live. Each of us has sinned against God (Romans 3:23), we have broken His commandments (I John 3:4), and deserve His just judgment (Romans 6:23). Jesus never once sinned, but he willingly took upon himself our sins and paid our sin-debt through dying on the cross of Calvary (II Corinthians 5:21). He was buried yet three days later rose from the grave demonstrating that He is God and able to rescue us from the death-penalty of sin (Romans 6:23). Now He offers each of us a gift. It is the gift of eternal life. You cannot earn eternal life, Jesus earned it for you. You cannot purchase eternal life, Jesus purchased it for you. You do not deserve eternal life, but God in His love offers it to you freely and fully. You must simply receive it.

“How do I receive this incredible gift?” you might be asking. Again, the Bible provides the answer. Jesus said “Repent and believe the gospel” (Mark 1:15). To repent means to change your mind about your sin. Biblical repentance is godly sorrow over your sin that leads to a willingness to turn away from it. To believe means to place your faith and trust in something or someone. Jesus is the someone, and the gospel is the something. For it was Jesus who said we are to “believe the gospel.” The gospel is the good news that Jesus loves you and paid your sin debt through His death on the cross. If you will acknowledge your sinfulness before God, believe that Jesus died for your sins, and call upon Him in faith to rescue you, you can experience a new birth, a second birth, a spiritual birth (John 3:3). The Bible declares “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13). Will you personally embrace this Good News? Will you place your faith in Jesus Christ? Will you receive this gift of eternal life? Our prayer is that you will. The help and hope that our broken lives and world needs is found only in a relationship with Jesus Christ.

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